On May 19th, 2018, the General Assembly of the FBE, which represents 250 member bar associations and their 1 million member lawyers, has expressed its deep concern regarding the right of access of Romanian citizens to a free and independent court and about the situation of judges, prosecutors and lawyers from Romania, noting that there is an interference with the independence of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and the administration of justice due to the intervention of Romanian Intelligence Service Information in the work of judges and prosecutors through the conclusion of the protocols of cooperation between the secret service and the Superior Council of Magistrates, the Judicial Inspection, the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Court of Appeal and the General Prosecutor’s Office.
We call upon the justice organisations to cease the secret Protocols and to restore independence of the judicial system by destroying also secret Protcols and the respect the right of Roumanian cityzens to a fair trial.